Monday, December 27, 2010

Logan's First Day Skiing

Gaga signed Logan up for snow kids at Mt. Charleston for ski lessons and he took him today.  I went into the office and got some work done.  The Internet in the office has been going out and after the 4th or 5th time I was ready to go home and work.  I kept wondering how Logan was doing but I could not call because there is no cell phone service on the Mountain!  I really wanted to see Logan so I got in the car and headed up to the mountain.  I found Gaga at the lodge on the deck, he was surprised to see me.  I finally found Logan getting off the lift.
I was happy to find out that he was able to get off the lift without falling.

He did not see me and I did not want to yell for him.
I thought that I would make him fall!

Gaga got his attention and I was happy to see Logan not fall!

I think he was happy to see me!

But he had to get back to his lessons!

I found Logan coming up on the lift!

It looked like he enjoyed the lift.

 I like the human cannonball helmet!
Hopefully he does not become a cannonball!

 He was a snow plowing king!

Off he goes again!

Have fun Logan!

                                                                                      Logan was tired and hungry after Skiing!


He had enough energy to have a snowball fight

It was awesome being able to go to see Logan!
             Great Job Logan!

                 Thanks Dad for taking Logan!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sleigh Riding on Christmas

 Mom is in NY with Nana, Brooklyn and Axel are with Miriam!
90" of snow fell on Mt. Charleston
I wanted to hike in Redrock... what was I thinking!
Cai & Logan agreed "Let's find Snow"

There was no snow until we hit 6000 feet but when we hit 8000 feet it was a winter wonderland!

As we got closer to where we wanted to be the traffic got worse! We wanted to go to the Ski slopes to get more information about Ski school for Logan, but the snow looked too good and we had a sled!

The boys were ready to ride but I could not park so Gaga to the rescue!
Gaga took the boys and I drove back and forth!

The slopes were buzzing!

I finally parked and found Gaga and the boys!
The porta potties..... they were scary!

Cai and Logan were ready for some more fun so we haeded back to the slopes.

A snowman was on Cai's mind but Logan
convinced him to hit the hill!

Getting to the top was a little hard for Cai
He kept sinking in the deep snow!

Logan helped Cai to the top and off they went! 

Fun Fun Fun!  We all had Fun!


Even though they crashed a few times they loved it and I loved
Watching them!

Logan could have stayed all day!!!


Cai's hands got cold so it was
time to go

 Logan was not too happy about that but he smiled for the camera anyway!
That is what it is like to have the best kids in the world

And for you viewing pleasure here is some scenic views
Mt. Charleston

It was a great time and I would like this to be a
Kraft E Family

Only we need the rest of the family!

I miss you Babs!

Try to enjoy the NY Blizzard!

Here is our outtake!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Having Fun Under the Cali Sun

Hi, to all that might visit this and welcome to the Kraft E family blog!  We were in Manhattan Beach for Aunt Cathy's Birthday party and we got a day at the beach.  The kids always have a great time on the beach so we spent several hours. 

Brooklyn had fun running away from the waves and as always being her beautiful self!

Cai was exploring and having Fun!

Our newest addition Axel gets some beach time with Mommy
It is always good to have a Mom who is a beach pro!

It is sand castle time with Dad who loves to play in the sand!

I like this picture better because my belly is not in it!

Cai just likes looking for things and digging!

Axel has fallen asleep! 
            This means Mommy can now relax.

Cai's shoes always seem to be missing!

More Fun in the water but the castle has taken on some water damage!

Brooklyn is still running from the waves!

She is out and getting dry, but will she stay clean?

                                                         Logan hits the surf!

And catches a wave!

Can it be are they as nice as they look....?   
                                                                    I Think So!

A day at the beach is never complete without the Good Year blimp

Logan loves the water!  He must get that from Me!

All great days must come to an end! 
                                       But not without a macho surfer pose!

                                                      Or two!

                                              No Brooklyn did not stay clean, in fact she still had sand on her a week later!

                 The beach did the trick for Cai he was ready for bed but not before Aunt Cathy's birthday party